ABOUT E3 interactive

E3 interactive is a next-generation company bridging live and virtual experiences.

Every Experience Matters

E3 interactive is a next generation company bridging live and virtual experiences. We bring people together to engage, learn and grow in virtual environments that are as close as you can get to being there. Our interactive environments are where people meet, experiences happen and business gets done.

E3 interactive virtual experiences allow visitors to engage with your brand in a whole new way. They enable you to showcase your brand and products in a manner that creates lasting intimacy. You may not be able to shake your visitors’ hands, but you can certainly build long-lasting memories of their experience.

In the next generation of selling, face-to-face interaction and virtual experiences will be interchangeable. One thing will remain the same – every experience matters.

The Future of Trade Shows and Live Events

Creating powerful trade show and in-person experiences is deeply rooted in our DNA. Today, the traditional trade show and live event are in a state of flux. For marketers who are dependent on these events to engage with customers, demonstrate a new product or educate an entire industry, we can seamlessly bridge the gap between face-to-face and virtual experiences.

For two decades our creativity, innovation and singular focus have created inspiring and memorable trade show experiences. Today, we are introducing new technology solutions to solve old-school problems. If trade shows and live events are deeply rooted in your marketing strategy, explore the next generation of customer relationship building solutions.




Innovation is taking two things that exist and putting them together in a new way.

Tom Freston, Co-founder of MTV